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Mardi 26 janvier 2021
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Episode 16: Tuesday 26 January 2021
Françoise examines Méli whose baby is almost due. The latter talks about it with Tina before warmly thanking Christophe for having supported her through difficult times. Tina admits to Christophe that she is finding it increasingly difficult to stand all the ordeals the students have to face.
Directed by: Jean-Philippe Duval (season 2, Canada, 2020)
Screenplay: Danielle Trottier
Cast: Hélène Bourgeois Leclerc (Tina), Roy Dupuis (Christophe), Milya Corbeil-Gauvreau (Vivianne), Jemmy Echaquan-Dubé (Méli), Élizabeth Tremblay-Gagnon (Éloïze), Zeneb Blanchet (Riliana), Lyna Khellef (Sassan), Thomas Delorme (Tommy), Cassandra Latreille (Anaïs), David Boutin (Luc), Marie-Chantal Perron (Carolle), Emmanuel Bilodeau (Rodge)