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Mardi 19 janvier 2021
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Episode 15: Tuesday 19 January 2021
Julie arrives at the school without warning, in the hope that Christophe will come with her to the hospital where she has to collect one of her daughters. Tina encourages Riliana, who has to persuade her social worker that her plans for the future are feasible.
Directed by: Jean-Philippe Duval (season 2, Canada, 2020)
Screenplay: Danielle Trottier
Cast: Hélène Bourgeois Leclerc (Tina), Roy Dupuis (Christophe), Milya Corbeil-Gauvreau (Vivianne), Jemmy Echaquan-Dubé (Méli), Élizabeth Tremblay-Gagnon (Éloïze), Zeneb Blanchet (Riliana), Lyna Khellef (Sassan), Thomas Delorme (Tommy), Cassandra Latreille (Anaïs), David Boutin (Luc), Marie-Chantal Perron (Carolle), Emmanuel Bilodeau (Rodge)