
Loin de chez nous

December 2012. After a decade of war, the French troops are preparing to leave Afghanistan. The soldiers are happy to be going home, with the exception of a small group, the Black Cats, who have unfinished business here.

Direction, screenplay : Fred Scotlande (France, 2016)
Cast: Charlie Bruneau (Julie), Olivier Charasson (Padre), Arthur Defays (Gueule d'ange), Gwendolyn Gourvenec (Gaultier), Grégory Montel (Bellech), Fred Scotlande (Dostali), Fabrice Scott (Ghost), Sébastien Lalanne (Berchaye), Damien Bonnard (Ben), Blaide Ba (N'Goma), Bastien Bernini (Al), Paco Boublard (Toledano), Guillaume Carcaud (Bronsky)
Genre: drama