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Episode 8: The secret
The Newbies attend a workshop on stage presence run by Valérie Blais. It quickly turns into a therapy session when she asks them to reveal a secret that the other two are unaware of. Christian confesses to auditioning for the programme set to replace Luc's programme...
Directed by: Frédéric Nassif (season 1, Canada, 2018)
Screenplay: Christian Essiambre, André Roy, Frédéric Mallet
Cast: Christian Essiambre (Christian), André Roy (André), Luc Leblanc (Luc), Raphaëlle Lalande (Amélie), Catherine Bérubé (Ann-Julie), Marc Lamontagne (Lamont), Chloé Lévesque (Sophie), Matthieu Girard (Jean-Marc), Karène Chiasson (Isabelle), Ricardo Trogi (Michel Lévesque), Roxanne Loiseau (Karine)
Genre: comedy