Les petits meurtres d'Agatha Christie - Ding dingue dong
No upcoming broadcast (for now).
When evil chimes the hour
A patient is brutally murdered in Dr. Rodier's psychiatric clinic. As Marlène is suffering from depression, Swan Laurence persuades his faithful secretary to become a patient at the establishment. Shortly afterwards, Rodier's wife is murdered. Laurence, who was her lover, is immediately the prime suspect...
Directed by: Christophe Campos (season 2, France, 2018)
Screenplay: Sylvie Simon, based on "The Sittaford Mystery" by Agatha Christie
Cast: Samuel Labarthe (Swan Laurence), Blandine Bellavoir (Alice Avril), Élodie Frenck (Marlène), Cyril Gueï (Timothée Glissant), Arnaud Binard (Louis Rodier), Marie Berto (Arlette Carmouille), Dominique Thomas (Ernest Tricard), Bérénice Baoo (Clarisse Rodier), Kevin Garnichat (Nathan Steiner), Chloé Chaudoye (Marie Steiner), Maïra Schmitt (Adèle Rodier)
Genre: detective