La ronde
No upcoming broadcast (for now).
Vienna 1900. Love is in the air. Couples are forming and splitting. After a brief tryst with a prostitute, a soldier meets a maid, who is having an affair with the son of the householder who employs her... However, the latter is also on the lookout for fresh conquests...
Directed by: Max Ophuls (France, black & white, 1950)
Based on the play by Arthur Schnitzler
With: Simone Signoret (Léocadie), Danielle Darrieux (Emma Breitkopf), Simone Simon (Marie), Odette Joyeux (Anna), Isa Miranda (Charlotte), Gérard Philipe (the count), Serge Reggiani (Franz), Daniel Gélin (Alfred), Anton Walbrook (the story teller)...
Genre: comedy
Awards: Oscar nominations (best stage set, best screenplay) in 1952.